Mike Pearson

Mike Pearson

What’s Driving Agriculture Now?
Mike interviews over 1000 professionals in the ag industry each year. These folks range from experts on the volatile commodity markets to Washington DC politicians, and trade experts from around the world. In this talk, Mike will synthesize what he’s learned from these professionals and helps the audience understand what might be ahead in the markets, ag policy, and in trade.

Mike Pearson was born and raised in South Central Iowa, where he grew to love agriculture on his family’s hog and cattle farm.
After graduating from Simpson College, Mike moved to Grinnell, Iowa where he had the chance to build his own cow herd in addition to working as an agricultural lender.
Over the next 10 years, Mike left the world of finance and entered the world of media. He’s previously hosted “Market to Market” on Public Television, the Ag News Daily podcast, and currently, viewers can find him behind the anchor desk as the host of “This Week in Agribusiness” on RFD-TV.