Private Applicators


Private Applicators use, or supervise, the use of agricultural chemicals to produce agricultural commodities on land owned, or operated, by the Private Applicator, or their employer. Private applicators may be certified in one (or all) of the following categories:

  • Restricted Use (RU) Category – to use or supervise the use of restricted‐use pesticides to produce agricultural commodities or forest crops on land they or their employer owns or operates; and
  • Chemigation (CH) Category – for applying pesticides or fertilizers through irrigation systems on land they or their employer owns or operates.  All systems in which chemigation will be used must be certified with ISDA BEFORE chemigation can legally occur.
  • Soil Fumigation (SF) Category – for applying fumigation chemicals to soils by all application methods. (No fee to have on Private Applicator)



To become licensed as a Private Applicator, an individual must:

  • Pass a closed‐book exam with a minimum score of seventy percent (70%) in each category. Exam fees are waived for Private Applicators.
  • Complete and submit an ISDA Private Applicator license application form.  *If chemigating, also complete the chemigation systems inventory.
  • Include the appropriate fee for the desired categories:
      • $10 for the RU Category
      • $20 for the CH Category
      • $30 for both RU and CH Categories

    *No fee for the SF category, but cannot be added to a license unless the applicator has a current RU category.

  • Submit all application paperwork to the ISDA Headquarters in Boise at PO Box 7249, Boise, ID 83707.

Additional License Information
The Private Applicator License cycle is two years.

A-DMarch of Odd YearsM-PMarch of Even Years
E-HJuly of Odd YearsQ-TJuly of Even Years
I-LOctober of Odd YearsU-ZOctober of Even Years

At the time of license expiration, applicators must either submit proof of earning 6 recertification credits, or take a recertification exam to renew.


Private Applicator License Application

**If you have the Chemigation category you must also fill out an Inventory of Chemigation Systems Form