ISDA has rules in place (IDAPA 02.04.30 “Rules Governing Environmental and Nutrient Management”) which include information on managing the stockpiling of manure for all animal operations that are not governed by an environmental/nutrient management plan (E/NMP).  These rules lay out the following setback requirements for stockpile sites:
  • Three hundred (300) feet from a non-responsible party’s dwelling;
  • Five hundred (500) feet from a hospital, church, or school;
  • One hundred (100) feet from a domestic or irrigation well;
  • One hundred (100) feet from surface waters of the State; and
  • Fifty (50) feet from a public highway.
All manure stockpiled for 30 days or more on facilities not using an E/NMP must meet these setback requirements.
If you have concerns about improper manure management, you can file a complaint.

For any questions regarding these rules, please contact us.

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Logo

Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)

DEQ Regulates waste management on swine facilities.

 Information on manure use in Animal Feeding Operations.