Commercial Fertilizers: Manufacturers and distributors are required to register their products with the department in order to ensure truth in labeling and eventual sampling of their products. This protects consumers by ensuring label guarantees and protecting against misbranding and adulteration of fertilizer products.

Commercial Soil & Plant Amendments: Registration with ISDA is required in order to distribute soil or plant amendments in the state of Idaho. Registration of Soil & Plant Amendments is required in order to ensure compliance with standards, especially for those products that are by-products of processing or agriculture. Products will be periodically sampled and analyzed in our lab to verify these levels.

Online Registration for Fertilizer, Soil & Plant Amendments

Fertilizer Registration

Registration Period for Fertilizer
and Amendments is
January 1 – December 31.

The lab is a regulatory lab that offers formal quality assurance testing for commercial feed, fertilizer, and soil & plant amendments ensuring the truth in labeling and detection of harmful deleterious material.

Fertilizer, Soil & Plant Amendments Laws & Rules for Fertilizer, Soil & Plant Amendments.

To get login credentials for registering fertilizers or amendments, send an email to with the company name, physical address, mailing address (if different), contact person, contact phone & email, and the company website.

If you need help getting your login credentials reset, call 208-332-8625.
