You may still apply for a 2025 license at anytime until December 31, 2025. Hemp licenses are only valid from January 1 (or date of issue) to December 31 of the current calendar year. All hemp licenses expire at 11:59p.m. December 31.

To help expedite the process for new applicants, please review the resources and tutorial videos HERE.


Licensing and Inspection fees. All fees are non-refundable. Hemp program fees are as follows: 

Fee TypeProducerHandler
Annual Application$100$100
Application Late Fee (if applying outside of application window)$250$250
Annual License$500$1000
Modification to application information$250$500
Producer Preharvest inspection and other inspections$250 / lot + $35 / hour for travel to & from site + actual costs for shipping samples
Handler annual site inspection and other inspections$500 / site + $35 / hour for travel to & from site

***If your property is within any tribal boundary within the state of Idaho, please do not apply for a hemp license with ISDA. Please contact ISDA with additional information regarding your property. All application fees are non-refundable.***

Create a hemp producer or handler application.

Manage your hemp application, request inspections, or make payments.

If you are experiencing issues paying your invoice, you may use the portal here to make a payment. Input the invoice number into the portal field using the invoice number on the original invoice you generated on your view my business page.