The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) gives the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authority to regulate food from farm to fork, which enables the FDA to better protect the public by strengthening the food safety system. FSMA was signed into law on January 4, 2011 and represents the nation’s largest overhaul of federal food safety laws since 1938. The goal is to prevent foodborne outbreaks before they occur by taking proactive measures and shifting from a reactionary approach to a proactive approach. The enabling of FSMA created seven new federal rules that address produce, human food, animal food, transportation, and imported food. At this time, the Produce Safety Rule is the only rule the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) regulates. Employees of the Produce Safety Program operate under a grant provided by FDA to regulate produce grown in Idaho.

Learn more about federal and state produce safety regulations.

Subscribe or get caught up with news and updates from the produce safety program.

Short videos in both English and Spanish to train your personnel in produce safety.

Register for upcoming produce safety alliance grower trainings in Idaho or read about what you’d take home to the farm after attending.

Links, printable documents, guides and more to help you comply with the produce safety rule.

Enlaces, documentos imprimibles, guías y más para ayudarle a cumplir con la regla de seguridad de los productos agrícolas.

Learn about voluntary, non-regulatory farm visits to help your farm comply with the produce safety rule.

Produce Safety is just one of seven rules in the Food Safety Modernization Act. Click to learn more about the other six.

Fill out your verification form, order free educational materials, determine if your farm is covered, and more- all online!

Contact Us

Idaho State Department of Agriculture (FSMA, Hemp, & Hops)

Address: 2270 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise, ID 83712

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7249, Boise, ID 83707

Phone: (208) 332-8502

Fax: (208) 334-2170

Food Safety Investigators

Annie Senn – Ag. Investigator, Sr. (208) 332-8557

Alyssa Smith – Ag. Investigator, Sr. (208) 332-8679

Food Safety Administration

Katherine Putnam – Administrative Assistant (208) 332-8502

Greg Blahato – Ag. Program Manager (208) 332-8603

Casey Monn – Ag. Bureau Chief (208) 332-8698

University of Idaho (UI) Extension

Ariel Agenbroad – Area Extension Educator (208) 287-5900

Address: 5880 Glenwood St., Boise, ID 83714

Fax: (208) 287-5909

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