The  Grade “A” Pasturized Milk Ordinance(PMO), ensures uniformity and a higher level of excellence of milk sanitation practice in the U.S.. An important purpose of this standard is to facilitate the shipment and acceptance of milk and milk products of high sanitary quality in interstate and intrastate commerce.

The material in this publication provides the procedures for the evaluation of milk laboratories required to meet the sanitation standards of the current in use edition of the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO).

This Interstate Milk Shippers (IMS) List is provided as an on-line guide to assist regulatory program management and others who utilize the IMS List to stay current by providing continuous updates.

The National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments provides current and all documents and forms on their website. 

Idaho Department of Agriculture developed training video to assist with Appendix N training of laboratory analysts in industry.

State of Idaho Rules and Laws regulating Dairy Production.

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