A public records request (PRR) includes, but is not limited to, written documents and electronic files containing information relating to the conduct or administration of the public’s business prepared, owned, used or retained by ISDA. Under the Idaho Public Records Law, Idaho Code §§ 74-101 through 74-120, the public can request in writing to examine or copy these types of public records.

There is a presumption that all records maintained by public agencies are open to the public for inspection and copying at all reasonable times unless the information due to its confidential nature is specifically exempted from disclosure by law. These exemptions to public record disclosure are described in the Idaho Public Records Law Manual.

Submitting a Public Records Request

The simplest and quickest way to submit PRRs is online. Be specific about the document(s) you are requesting. Include only one public records request per form submission.

Once you submit the request, the screen will display verification that your request has been sent and email you a copy of your request. 


Fields marked with an * are required

Name of Person Submitting Request:

Idaho Code exempts certain documents from public disclosure. If the public records requested are exempt from disclosure, the requestor will be notified.

Use of any list as a mailing list or telephone list is prohibited by Idaho Code Section 74-120 and punishable by a civil penalty up to $1,000. 

By submitting this PRR, I certify that I will not use disclosed information for an illegal purpose I also agree to reimburse the ISDA for any public records provided, according to the fee schedule established below.

Fee Schedule

Idaho Code Section 74-102(10)(c), authorizes ISDA to establish a fee schedule to recover actual costs associated with locating and copying documents in responding to a public records request (PRR if:

  1. The request is for more than one hundred (100) pages of paper records; or
  2. The request includes records from which non-public information must be deleted; or
  3. The actual labor associated with responding to the request for public records exceeds two (2) person-hours.

The ISDA fee schedule will not exceed reasonable labor costs necessarily incurred responding to a PRR.  Fees, if charged, shall reflect the personnel and quantity of time that are reasonably necessary to process the request.  Fees for labor costs shall be charged at the per pay rate of the lowest-paid employee who is necessary and qualified to process the request.  If a request requires redactions to be made by an attorney, the rate charged shall be no more than the per hour rate of the lowest-paid attorney on staff. Idaho Code §74-102(10)(e).

Description of Work PerformedFee
Copying less than 100 pages, 8½" x 11" paper sizeNo charge
Copying other than 8½" x 11" paper size (maps, blueprints, other materials)Actual copying cost and labor rate to be determined at time request is submitted, if applicable
Copying 100 or more pages in color, 8½" x 11" paper size$.50 per page and labor rate to be determined at time request is submitted, if applicable
Transfer of documentation in the form of computer tapes, discs, microfilm, or similar record mediaActual copying cost and labor rate to be determined at time request is submitted, if applicable
Copying 100 or more pages, 8½" x 11" paper size$.10 per page for pages in excess of 100 and labor rate to be determined at time request is submitted, if applicable
Redacting nonpublic information from recordsLabor rate to be determined at time request is submitted, if applicable
Labor exceeding two(2) person hours to locate and copy documentsLabor rate to be determined at time request is submitted, charge only for time in excess of two hours

Idaho Public Records Law Manual

This manual, published by the Attorney General, explains how all records by state and local entities are to be available to for public access and copying.

If the requester is asking for a fee waiver, the fee waiver request should be completed and submitted with the request.

Contact Us

Stevie Harris, ISDA Public Records Coordinator


Phone: (208)332-8501

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