We provide farmers and ranchers the tools to deal with the stressors of the agriculture industry.
The Idaho Farm and Ranch Center wants to honor our veterans for their bravery and service. This page offers resources to veteran farmers and ranchers. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact us at any time and we will be happy to help!

General Programs
Enhancing Agricultural Opportunities for Military Veterans Competitive Grants Program. More information here!
Farmer Veteran Coalition – Idaho Chapter
The Farmer Veteran Coalition Idaho Chapter is now active! Their Facebook (linked above) is where you can find information and events from the chapter.
Idaho Division of Veteran Services
Learn how Idaho Veterans can take full advantage of the GI Bills, On the Job Training, and Apprenticeship programs, and browse information on the benefits and services available to you.
Mission43 was created so military spouses, or anyone who has served in the military, can succeed in Idaho through the pillars of education, employment, and engagement.
Veteran Careers in Agriculture: A Resource Guide
This document was created by the Farmer Veteran Coalition and contains veteran farmer success stories, information about financial resources, assistance with business plan development and more.
Government Resources Guide for Farmer Veterans
This document was created by the Farmer Veteran Coalition and contains information about government services from agencies such as the Small Business Administration and Department of Labor.
Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce
The Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to deliver wrap-around services and navigation network hub for veterans, military serving, and their families to provide community resources for education, housing, entrepreneurship, workforce management, family and wellness services.

Financial Assistance
USDA – Veteran Resources and Services
Being a farmer means you’ll get the opportunity to be an entrepreneur, equipment repair specialist, soil scientist, and land steward all rolled into one. Use the resources here to get connected to training opportunities, program and career resources, and read stories like yours on the USDA Blog.
Farm Service Agency – Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Loans
This program is designed to meet the needs of young, beginning, small, minority, female, or veteran farmers and ranchers. Visit the program website to see if you qualify to receive financial assistance.
Industry Innovation Association
Industry Innovation Association specializes in finding resources that help innovate industries. Find the Agricultural Loan guide with the link above!

Education and Training
FVC is the nation’s largest nonprofit organization assisting veterans–and currently serving members–of the Armed Forces to embark on careers in agriculture. We do not currently have an Idaho chapter but are working that direction. They have a great amount of education and training, farming, and business resources.
University of Idaho Extension Harvest Heroes
This program is located in the Treasure Valley. Harvest Heroes is a 10-month program that provides Veterans with agricultural instruction and practical hands-on experience.
- Program Information
- Program Application
- Questions may be directed to Ariel Agenbroad at ariel@uidaho.edu or Connie May at conniem@uidaho.edu.
This Military Veteran Farmer Training Page provides information about beginning farmer training programs specifically targeted toward military veterans.
This program is hosted in our neighboring state of Washington. They have a training program, a great amount of resources, and a community that is worth exploring.
Veteran Women for the Land – American Farmland Trust AFT offers a series of learning circle workshops and an online networking platform for women and non-binary military veterans in agriculture.