The Idaho State Department of Agriculture has many resources available for financial assistance.  The following document provides a comprehensive listing of federal programs in the form of grants, loans, research opportunities, and technical assistance programs available to assist public and private organizations. Below that you will find additional information regarding the programs that ISDA administers, in whole or in part. 

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is pleased to announce the competitive solicitation process to award Infrastructure Grants and Simplified Equipment-Only grants to expand capacity for the aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, and distribution of Idaho food products.


The purpose of the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBG) is to solely enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops.

*SCBG 2025 (OPEN)*

This trade and export initiative provides matching-fund grants to states to assist “eligible small business concerns.” Program objectives are to increase the number of small businesses that export, increase the value of exports and increase the number of small businesses exploring significant new trade opportunities.

Essentially, REDIFiT is a Low-Interest Transportation Loan Program.

Offers financing and assistance to individuals and organizations in Idaho whose Agricultural projects or efforts will provide for Rural Economic Development in Idaho and who cannot obtain credit from conventional sources.

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