By signing this document, I agree to adhere to the above conditions and understand deviation from these conditions may result in colonies being deemed ineligible for certification or my inability to participate in this program. I further understand CDFA reserves the right to inspect certified apiary colonies at its border protection stations for quality assurance purposes as deemed necessary.
Participant/shipper please complete One Compliance Agreement for each region/city and list all inspection sites of colonies and the colony count per inspection site for each region/city for Idaho.
Idaho’s Regions/Cities are:
TV – Treasure Valley
MV – Magic Valley
EI – Eastern Idaho
Example A: 1 Participant/Shipper with 1 inspection site, would only need to complete 1 Compliance Agreement.
Example B: 1 Participant/Shipper with 5 inspection sites can complete 1 Compliance Agreement and list the inspection locations and colony count for each location. (Per the region/city that are determined by the participating state official.)
Participant/Shipper Information: please complete by filling out this form and Click Submit.
This agreement is to expedite the entry process at the CDFA border protection stations. Shipments are still subject to quarantine regulations upon entry at a CDFA border protection station and may be subject to random inspection.