TO: ISDA Field Inspection and Phytosanitary/Export Certification Customers
From: Andrea Thompson, Administrator
Date: November 1, 2024
RE: 2025 Final Fee Changes Open for Comments
As approved during the 2023 negotiated rule making meetings, fee changes for Phytosanitary Certification, Official Samples and Field Inspection where posted September 1, 2024, and open for comment through October 31, 2024. All feedback received was in support of the fee changes as proposed.
The 2025 Final Fee Schedule for Field Inspection & Phytosanitary/Export Services will be posted November 1, 2024, and effective January 1, 2025. User Fees for services will be published annually on the Department website and will be updated every three (3) years.
Current Fee Final Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025
Field Inspection Application $5 $10
Field Inspection Acreage $3.50/acre/inspection, $50 min. <15 ac $5/acre/inspection, $50 minimum
Current Fee Final Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025
Field Inspection Application $5 $5
Field Inspection Acreage $3.50/acre/inspection, $50 minimum $3.50/acre/inspection, $50 minimum
Idaho Bean Planting Tags (Green/Yellow) $0.18 cwt $0.18 cwt
Official Sample – Serology $20 $20
Current Fee Final Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025
Phytosanitary Certificate $66 ($6 paid through USDA PCIT) $66 ($6 paid through USDA PCIT)
Official Sample $20 $40
Rush Fee $100 $100
*Phytosanitary application, official sampling, field inspection, or other services completed with 1 business day turn-around or within specific timeframe on certain day without 2 business day prenotification.
Other Export/Inspection Like Documents $25 $35 Domestic, $40 Foreign
(i.e. state phyto, attestation, certificate of origin, field inspection certificate, etc.)
Treatment Observation $30 $30
Special Project/Inspection Fee $25/hr $30/hr
Final Fee Effective Jan. 1, 2025
Fees for Plant Samples
Bacterial Testing $75
Fungal Testing $55-$75
Viral Testing $75
Combined Testing $150
Australia and Japan Corn Virus Testing $300
Fees for Seed Samples
Bacterial Testing $110
Fungal Testing $100-$150
Viral Testing $75-$150
Combined Testing $150-$200
Fees for Bean Seed Serology Testing
Cost per sample
Phaseolus Non-Phaseolus
July-February $200 $275
March $225 $300
April $275 $350
May-June $300 $375
Third Party Testing
Culture Identification – PCR $100
Culture Identification – Sequencing $75
Samples sent to Third Party Varies