Verification Form

FSMA Produce Safety Verification Form

*Qualified exempt farms must annually review farm sales records, complete this form, and submit to ISDA for renewal consideration.

1. What does your farm grow, harvest, pack, or hold?

Please check all that apply.

2. Approximate total farm acreage:
3. Are you:
4. Approximate volume of commodities:

5. What month do you start and end the following activities?

6. To all that apply, fill in the percentage of your food (all food or drink for people or animals) that is sold to retail, farmers markets, food stands, distributors, or other (please specify).

7. Irrigation Water Source(s):
8. Have you attended a Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training?
9. Irrigation Method:
10. Is 100% of the produce on your farm produced for personal consumption on your farm?
11. Does your produce receive commercial processing (kill step – pasteurization, dehydrating, etc.) that adequately reduces the presence of microorganisms of public health significance? *If yes, you must obtain written assurance from the processor as outlined in §112.2(b)(2)(3) and apply for an exemption with ISDA.
12. Do you receive any 3rd party audits? (Ex: GAP, Harmonized GAP, etc.)
13. Do you have a Food Safety Plan?

For questions 14 & 15, please see the "Average Annual Sales Worksheet" to assist with calculations.

*Monetary value is strictly used to determine the size of your operation as defined by the Produce Safety Rule.

14. Size of your operation based on the previous 3-year average of all produce sales.
15. Previous 3-year average of all food sales. (Food as defined in §112.3(c)(1): all food or drink for people or animals)
ver: 3.5.2a | last updated: