Chemigation is the process by which chemicals (fertilizers or pesticides) are added to irrigation water to be applied to land, crops, or plants through an irrigation system. Because of the potential for ground and surface water contamination from the injection of these chemicals, the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) monitors and regulates chemigation practices.
- Chemigation Training Module
- Chemigation License Application
- Chemigation Inventory Form
- Chemigation Protocols
- Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies for Domestic Water Supplies
- Approved Chemigation Equipment for Outdoor Agricultural Production
- Chemigation Equipment Approval Form
- Independant Laboratory Check Valve Certification Form
Agricultural Water Quality Program

The Agricultural Water Quality Program implements agricultural monitoring and protection programs with public and private partners to protect ground water quality.
The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) developed a Regional and Local Agricultural Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program to assist in implementing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Pesticides and Water Quality Program and Laws and EPA’s Pesticide Management Plan. The objectives of the program are to:
· Assess present status of ground water quality related to pesticides.
· Determine if pesticides are contributing to ground water quality degradation.
· Provide data to support the Idaho State Pesticide Management Plan.
· Provide data to support BMP or regulatory evaluation processes.
The goal of this program is to work with the agricultural community, industries, agencies, local groups, and citizens to protect ground water quality.
Contact Us
Chemigation and Agricultural Water Quality Program
Tony Noe – Ag. Program Specialist (208)332-8661