Local Foods Promoted throughout the State in 2018 Retail Roadshow

Thursday December 13, 2018

Walmart, Albertsons, Stokes, Swensons, Atkinsons and Broulims markets participated in the second annual Idaho Preferred Retail Roadshow to promote local products and Idaho farmers.

The Roadshow kicked off in August and ran through September and visited 23 different retail locations from Coeur d’Alene and Moscow to Driggs and Preston.

The promotions included fresh Idaho produce sampling, giveaways, radio remotes and more.

Consumers learned about the benefits of buying local and at some locations even got to meet a farmer.  September is peak of harvest season and the perfect time of year for grocery stores to promote the great variety of Idaho produce - some of which consumers didn’t even know were grown in Idaho!

Final sales data is still being collected but results are expected to exceed sales from last year.

The 2017 Retail Roadshow included 13 stores and generated $2.2 million in sales!