How to Apply
Those interested in pursuing organic certification should first contact the ISDA Organic Program to get more information, check program capacity, and to receive an estimate for certification. Once this process has been completed, interested operations are welcome to apply for organic certification during our open registration period from November 1 – February 28. First time applicants must submit an application, application fee, and a complete Organic System Plan (OSP) for Crops (including farm map and field history).
Once certified, continuing applicants must submit an application, application fee, and an updated Organic System Plan each year by their anniversary/renewal date. Renewal packets are also mailed out by the end of February each year to operations currently certified organic by the ISDA.
All of the necessary documents are available below. If you wish to apply for organic certification for handling/processing or livestock production, please visit the applicable page(s).
Please contact us for further questions or to request printed copies.

USDA Guide for Organic Crop Producers
This guide is intended to help lead farmers through the organic certification process.