FSMA Produce Safety Resources

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture and University of Idaho Extension has created and compiled numerous articles to help producers and their staff better understand the Produce Safety Rule in daily operations. For Spanish resources, click here.


Online Produce Safety Rulebook

Key Requirements & Helpful Links

PSA Video Tutorial: Labeled Sanitizers for Produce

Sanitizers fall under the EPA definition of an antimicrobial pesticide.  All pesticides distributed in the U.S. are regulated by the EPA; therefore, must be approved by the EPA and used in accordance with the label.  All pesticides sold in the U.S. must also be registered and have a registration number on the label.

The Produce Safety Alliance developed a “Labeled Sanitizers for Produce” Excel tool describing EPA-labeled products.  This list will help you determine what sanitizers are appropriate for your operation. Click here to download this free assessment tool.