When is a formal request required?

When the grantee wants to:

  • Change objectives
  • Change activities in the workplan such as adding a workshop, trade show or event
  • Add an international trip
  • Change strategies or modify the approach of the project


What should the request include?

A complete request includes the following three items:

1) The project title

2) Summary description of the requested change

3) Revised workplan with all changes highlighted in yellow


Where do I send the request?

E-mail to the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Administrator:
(208) 332-8533


When is the change of scope final?

The change must first be approved by ISDA and then must receive approval in writing by USDA as well.  This process may take a few weeks, and the change is not final until confirmed in writing by the ISDA Specialty Crop Grant Program Specialist.  So please provide plenty of lead time for the necessary approvals.