Tuberculosis in Cervidae

What is tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis (TB) in cervidae is a chronic disease caused by mycobacterium bovis that affects both domestic and wild animals.


How is TB transmitted?
Bovine TB is spread primarily through the exchange of respiratory secretions. Bacteria released into the air through coughing and sneezing can spread the disease to uninfected animals.


What are the signs of infection?
Symptoms are respiratory in nature and include coughing, sneezing and difficulty breathing. Fever, weight loss and lack of appetite are also signs of infection.


What can I do to prevent TB in my domestic cervidae?
There are limitations to what can be practically achieved, but protecting domestic cervidae and feed from contact with wildlife is important in limiting the spread of the disease. If you are purchasing animals from an in-state or out-of-state herd, a TB test is required prior to change of ownership. If you have questions regarding testing requirements for accredited, qualified or monitored herds, please contact the Division of Animal Industries at (208) 332-8571.


Who do I contact for TB testing?
Contact your herd veterinarian to schedule TB testing.


Can I vaccinate my animals for TB?
There is no vaccination available for TB.


Tuberculosis is a reportable disease in Idaho.


If you have a question that is not covered here, please contact Animal Industries by email or at (208) 332-8540.